Funnel Chart can be very useful to show stages and proportions in the sales process. Despite its importance, creating a nice Funnel Chart in Excel can be little tricky. In this step-by-step you will be able to create a nice one, following the example below.
1 - Type the data below.
2 - With the cells selected Go to "Insert" tab, "Charts" group, 3-D Stacked Column.
3 - With the chart selected, click in the option "Switch Row/Column".
4 - Right click the Vertical axis on the chart and select "Format Chart Area", Select "Effects" and change the "X Rotation" and "Y Rotation" to "0" as the image below.
5 - Right Click any Series (bar items) and select "Format Data Series". Go to "Series Options" and set the "Gap Depth" to 150%, "Gap Width" to 80%, and select the "Full Cone" option.
6 - Right click the "Vertical Axis" and select "Format Axis". Go to "Axis Options" and check the option "Values in reverse order".
7 - Go to "Chart Elements" and let just the "Legend / Bottom" selected.
8 - Select the series and change the colors as your preferences.
9 - Select each series and change the "Shape Outline" color to light grey and the weight to 3pt.
10 - If you want you can insert the "Chart Title" and "Data Labels" as the image below.
11 - To give it a "Round Edge" effect, go to "Format Chart Area", "Effects", "3-D Rotation" and set the "Perspective" as 15.
12 - Congratulations! You have created a Customized Funnel Chart! This is a useful, nice and professional look!
If you want to learn more about using charts, shapes and pictures to create visual content, try my book "Dynamic Infographic":