This article is published in collaboration with Statista
by Katharina Buchholz
Watchdog Freedom House has in its latest report given 41 countries and territories a score of zero for guaranteeing its residents' physical security. While countries at war or civil war, those under military junta rule or failed states are among them, the rating also includes the countries of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain - showing how unchecked prosecution in absolutist states can lead to a devastating loss of rights and freedoms.
The report states that a zero score means that "people lack even minimal protections from the violence of war, insurgency, crime, and police brutality". In 2005, the number of countries and territories with a score of zero had been 25.
Almost all countries receiving a physical security zero score were rated as overall "not free" by the report. One exception was Ukraine, which is subject to an invasion by Russia an was rated partially free. While large parts of the continent receive poor rating for everyday safety, the Americas still fared better than others when it comes to absolute physical security. Only Cuba, Venezuela and Haiti received a zero score, while in Asia and Africa, this applied to many more countries. In Europe and Eurasia, zero scores were given out to Ukraine (including its Russian-occupied territories), Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan and Russian-occupied South Ossetia in Georgia.
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